April 28, 2021

Book of the Month: "Copper Yearning" by Kimberly Blaeser

By Indigenous Nations Poets

Kimberly Blaeser joined “NATIVE AMERICA CALLING’ on Wednesday, April 28 2021 to celebrate National Poetry Month by sharing her book “Copper Yearning.”

It’s full of poems that speak about Native people’s place in the world. That includes the connection to sacred places and lands and waterways that are challenged. Other poetic gems give the details of Native life center stage, down to the ribbon and jingles on a dancer’s dress.


Founded in 2020, In-Na-Po—Indigenous Nations Poets—is a national Indigenous poetry community committed to mentoring emerging writers, nurturing the growth of Indigenous poetic practices, and raising the visibility of all Native Writers past, present, and future. In-Na-Po recognizes the role of poetry in sustaining tribal sovereign nations and Native languages.