Arielle Taitano Lowe
2021-2022 Fellow, Indigenous Nations Poets
Arielle Taitano Lowe is an indigenous Chamoru poet from the village of Agat, Guåhan. She is a PhD in English student at the University of Hawai'i at Mānoa and a Graduate Degree Fellow at the East-West Center. She writes about intergenerational healing in her home islands, the Marianas, located in Micronesia. Her work has appeared in Indigenous Literatures from Micronesia, Storyboard: A Journal of Pacific Imagery, and As/Us: A Space for Writers of the World. She writes and fights for an independent and reunited Guåhan, Låguas yan Gåni (all fifteen islands of the Marianas archipelago).
Ocean Mother
Genre: Poetry
Publisher: The University of Guam Press
Publication Date: March 2024
Ocean Mother weaves together riveting poems from strands of Arielle Taitano Lowe's memories growing up as a Chamoru girl in Guåhan (Guam), layered with realizations she made across the ocean and upon her return home. In this brave act of sharing, Lowe unravels generations of trauma and begins to heal herself, her family, and her home.